Ministering in Honor Shame Cultures by Georges and Baker Reviews

Ministering in Honor-shame Cultures

Ministering in Award-Shame Cultures,Jayson Georges and Marker D. Baker. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2016.

Summary: A text which explains the differences between guilt-innocence and laurels-shame cultures, outlines a biblical footing for ministry in honor-shame cultures and discusses practical implications for ministry building in these cultures.

Sometimes we just don't know what we don't know. For those of us from guilt-innocence cultures (many from Euro-American backgrounds), our encounters with those from accolade-shame cultures often leave us baffled as nosotros fail to understand why we are unable to connect or why we accept offended. Our globalized globe makes this kind of cross-cultural understanding vital.

This is especially so with those engaged in mission in these cultures. Incarnational ministry building means getting within the skin of those with whom we are engaged in ministry. In this text Jayson Georges and Marking D. Bakery have us inside both honour-shame cultures and the scriptures and help united states sympathize what ministry in honour-shame cultures might look similar.

First of all they help the states understand how honour-shame cultures are different from guilt-innocence cultures. Fundamentally, these cultures are nigh who we are in relation to others rather than what nosotros have done in relation to a set of laws or principles. Honor-shame cultures manifest themselves in terms of patronage, indirect advice, event orientation, purity, hospitality, and social roles. Unfortunately, those of us from guilt-innocence cultures often come across dependence and corruption, lying and deception, tardiness, rituralism, obligation and ostentation, and oppression. Can you see where things might get wrong?

Perhaps the highlight of the book for me was where the authors evidence how the Bible, written in an honor-shame context provides u.s. a basis for agreement shame and for restoring and seeking honour. They trace these ideas through both the Old and New Testaments, culminating in the work of Christ in which he bears our shame, making it possible for united states to be restored to honorable relationship before God.

The terminal half of the book works out the implications of an understanding of honor-shame cultures and a biblical framing of honor-shame for redemptive ministry in these cultures.

They brainstorm with a spirituality of honor and shame, noting the groovy reversal of the gospel where pride equates with shame and humility with honor, and how this reshapes our ideas of honor and shame. A chapter on relationships follows with "Eight Commandments" for relationships in honour-shame contexts: one) apply a comprehend, 2) reconcile symbolically, three) be a client, 4) guest well, 5) share gifts, 6) be a patron, 7) exist pure, and eight) give face.

The chapter on evangelism begins with building bridges of laurels in relationship and so shows how the gospel is a story of status reversal. Our problem of sin is unfaithfulness–disloyalty toward God that breaks relationship. Our dilemma is shame, a disgrace that merits banishment from God's presence. God'southward solution in Christ, is that his decease is a bearing of shame that restores our relationship by repairing our honour. Our response is one of fidelity–loyalty to honoring God. The result of all this is that God makes outcasts his children and exalts usa to eternal glory and honor. Conversion, and so is oft communal and involves the transference of allegiance, non only to Christ, just a new grouping.

Ethics is the pursuit of honor in a unlike key, which often involves humbling of cocky to serve. While to the watching world, this may be shameful, and difficult, it is motivated past the honor that comes in faithfully serving God. It is an honour shaped by pursuing celebrity, purity, and beloved. Finally this is pursued in a community that transforms shame by reintegrating the shamed into customs, where forgiveness is proficient to restore human relationship, and where leadership is skilful non from a position of privilege but rather service that seeks God's honor.

The book concludes with appendices of key honor-shame passages in scripture, key honour shame stories, and a bibliography of resource for further study. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions that may exist used for personal reflection, or classroom or group word. The book is written at a level suitable for an bookish course on cross-cultural communication, just as can exist beneficial for churches and individuals engaged cross-culturally with those from honor-shame cultures.

The authors do non debate for i or the other frames being superior, and notation that all cultures have a mix of these elements with guilt-innocence ascendant in many Western contexts while shame-award is dominant in near Majority cultures. While generalizing, they note that each culture expresses these differently and to sympathize accolade-shame in one context is non to understand all. They liberally illustrate from experiences in a variety of cultural contexts, frequently at their ain expense in sharing their failures as well every bit successes.

1 of the big conclusions I drew was the priority of human relationship. Rightness is non legal rightness, but existence in right relationship in community, and with God. To build bridges of accolade that communicate how of import a person is to usa, to give face, to restore the shamed all are biblical ideas but so different than doing the right things and having the correct ideas. I also appreciated the thoughtfulness the writers showed in redeeming honor and shame, which sin may distort, providing paths of restoration, and ameliorate ways both to alive for honor and award others. In doing so, they motion beyond cantankerous-cultural understanding to cross-cultural mission with a gospel that is redemptive in every culture.


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